Sunday, April 20, 2008

Profile of a Champion, Editorial , Dominic Livoti

Anyone who has attended the Major Individual and Quartet Championship Shows this winter in the Metropolitan New York area, has walked away with great admiration for a quite young man representing the N.Y. Knickerbockers.

It is difficult indeed to bring honor to your unit as a single individual, usually it is the group effort that brings recognition, but Dominic Livoti, now called "Dr. Dom" has succeeded in winning all types of plaudits for his superiority in the musical world and his personality, which is a reflection on his unit.

Dom has been a member of the Knicks since they were the Midshipmen. Rising steadily until his appointment last year to the solo position during the Knicks remarkable color presentation. He is a member of the corps Jr. Staff, and Dominic is the instructor of the Knickerbocker Cadet parade and training unit. A college man, Dominic is just one of the many fine young people in Drum Corps that merit attention and special notice.

Recently Dominic won Individual Soprano Solo medals at St. Andrews Bridgemen N.E. Championship, Bayonne, New Jersey, St. Rita's Brassmen show Brooklyn, New York and Hurricanes National Open at Bridgeport, Conn.

